Browsing articles by " aarsb_admin"

Data & Information Management Services

AAR has a comprehensive data and information management system that stores extensive field-scale agronomic data of oil palm plantations. We are among the first few in the industry that started building a digital database to store historical field data of oil palms in computers when the first graphic interphase Machintosh was introduced in Malaysia late 1980s.

Our relational database management system (AEGIS) stores geo-referenced historical field data and details of factors affecting the potential yield of given sites. It is supplemented with an Integrated Fertiliser Recommendation System (INFERS) that predicts palm growth and calculate required fertilisers site-specifically to optimise use of resources and achieve sustainable yield improvement.

There are two main functions falling under the purview of this section:

  1. Information Management System (IMS) – Gathering, compiling, storing and analysing agronomic data of commercial fields and research data/records of experimental plots.
  2. Information Communication Technology (ICT) – Developing data sharing and information retrieving and viewing platforms to assist agronomists in their advisory work. With new technologies of the IR4.0, this sub-section is also tasked to evaluate and deploy or fabricate sensors, cameras and smart dataloggers to acquire intensive real-time or near real-time data/information for planning and monitoring.

Another unique aspect of our system is the incorporation of a model (ASYP) that compute the Site Yield Potential of any given field for our agronomists and client estates to achieve with corrective inputs. Leveraging the technologies of the IR4.0, our IMS is being augmented with time series spatial data useful for change detection, planning of planting and monitoring of palm growth. It is essentially designed to empower decision makers making data-driven and informed decisions.

Biotechnology Analytical Services

We offer reliable services in DNA purification i.e., isolation of high-quality DNA from oil palm for downstream analysis and SSR genotyping for authentication and illegitimacy test.

High throughput SSR genotyping for oil palm legitimacy and clonal fidelity analysis are the major molecular genetic services in our Biotech Lab. We are experienced in genotyping infrastructure, SSR marker screening and genetic polymorphism analysis. We provide cost-effectiveness, reliable and precise screening services to distinguish oil palm genotypes. Our current SSR genotyping services cover marker-assisted selection of oil palms for field planting, characterisation of genetic variation and classification of germplasm, accurate legitimacy test and parental identification of planting materials with unknown origins.

P&D and Microbiology Lab Diagnostic Services

We have a team of trained personnel to tackle serious pest and disease problems of oil palms. Our team of specialists are skillful in both field and lab diagnosis of pests, pathogens as well as beneficial microbes at molecular levels. We are offering commercial services in enumeration, isolation, identification and detection of enzyme activities of microorganisms.

Services include:

  • Species identification via DNA-PCR amplification for bacteria, fungi and rodents
  • Insect CO1 analysis and taxonomic curation & identification
  • Enumeration of total heterotrophic bacteria and fungi in biofertilisers
  • Enumeration of nitrogen fixing bacteria, phosphate and potassium solubilising bacteria in biofertilisers
  • Screening and quantification of IAA-activity by individual PGPR isolates in biofertilisers

AA Vitroa I (Oil Palm Ramet)

AA Vitroa I Logo   AA Vitroa I – owing to the success of our first commercial planting of clonal palms in 1997, we decided to set up a commercial tissue culture laboratory in 2008 to scale up production of ramets. Located in Ijok, Selangor, our 35,000 square feet laboratory was built with an annual production capacity of 1 million saleable ramets. Over the past 30 years, we fine-tuned our protocols and tested the performance of our clonal palms in both experimental plots and commercial fields. As of 2020, our high oil-bearing clones have been planted on more than 69,000 hectares of oil palm fields in our principals’ and clients’ estates in Malaysia.

We are recognised as one of the leading experts in oil palm tissue culture. Commercially known as AA Vitroa I, our clonal palms are low in overall mantling rate (< 5%) and high in oil to bunch (> 28%). More than 24% of high oil extraction rates (OER) were consistently achieved when tested in commercial palm oil mills.

Performance of AA Vitroa I

  • 8% higher fresh fruit bunch (FFB) compared to DxP in field trials *
  • 20% higher oil yield (OY) compared to DxP in field trials *
  • Consistent high OER of above 24% when tested in commercial mills **
  • Desirable vegetative palm characteristics: Slim petioles, slow height increment and uniform in growth to ease harvesting burden.
  • All ramets are produced under stringent quality control of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

*   Recorded at various trial sites; averaged from at least 5 years’ yield data
**  Recorded at 4 different mills; crops for clonal data include bunches of young plantings, scout harvesting and 20% DxP palms.

Mill Test Run of OER Comparing AA Vitroa I and Mixed DXP

AA Vitroa I is the product of stringent selection process and our many years of experience as well as long-standing expertise in oil palm tissue culturing. Cloning will allow the industry to reduce yield fluctuation common to the heterogenous DxP. Plantations with palm oil mills will certainly benefit from planting of our high oil-bearing AA Vitroa I.

Papers : Soils

Wan Asmai., Wan Rasidar K., Fauziah C.I., Rosazlin A., Zulkefli M., Goh K.J., Jeyanny V. and Ahmad Z.Y. (eds) Proc. SOILS 2008 on Sustaining Soil Ecosystems with Emphasis on Coastal Soils, MSSS, Kuala Lumpur: 236 pp.

Zakaria Z.Z., Balasundram S.K., Goh K.J., Hanafi M.H., Fauziah C.I. and Halimi M.S. (eds). 2004. Proc. Malaysian Society of Soil Science Conference.Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuala Lumpur.

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Papers : Techno-economic Management

Razman A. R., Mohd Hashim T., Ooi L. H. and Tan M. K. 1999. Fertilizer needs and requirements of the plantations industry in Malaysia. IFA International Fertilizer Conference. Kuala Lumpur. Preprint.

Shahrakbah Y. 2007. Progress and challenges in utilization of palm biomass. Presented at Asian Science and Technology Seminar held on 8 and 9 March at Jakarta. Preprint.

Shahrakbah Y., Arif S. and Kee K.K. 2008. The effect of retention of palm chippings and legume covers on palm growth and yields. Presented at 5th International Crop Science held at Jeju, Korea. Preprint.

Soh A.C., Kee K.K. and Goh K.J. 2006. Research and innovation towards sustainable palm oil production. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics Vol. 2 : 77-95.

Tan K.S. and Ooi L. H. 2002. Impact of the mini-tractor grabber (for in-field ffb evacuation) on soil physical properties. Proc. Soil Science Conference on Applications of Modern Tools in Agriculture. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kangar, Perlis : 97-100.

Teh C.B.S., Henson I.E., Goh K.J. and Husni, M.H.A. 2004. The effect of leaf shape on solar radiation interception. In: Shamsuddin Z. et al. (eds.). Proc. Agriculture Congress: Innovation towards modernized agriculture. Book of Abstracts Agricongress. Malaysia International Exhibition and Convention Centre (MIECC), Selangor, Malaysia:145-147. Also published in J. Trop. Plant Physiology 1:12-27.Also presented at 15th Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology Conference, 14-16 September. Preprint.

Teh C.B.S., Henson I.E., Harun H., Goh K.J. and Husni M.H.A. 2005. Modelling oil palm growth and yield. In : Teh C.B.S., Ahmed O.H., Fauziah C.I., Izham A., Wan Noordin W.D. and and Zin Z.Z. (eds). Proc. Soils Conference on advances in soil science for sustainable food production. Malaysian Society of Soil Science : 204-206. Also published in Pameran Rekacipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Teh C.B.S., Henson I.E., Harun H., Goh K.J. and Husni M.H.A. 2005. Do not reinvent the wheel : extending the life span of agriculture models. In: Cebeci Z., Sideridis A., Say S.M. and Darcan N. (eds.). Proc. International Congress On Information Technology In Agriculture, Food and Environment (ITAFE 2005), CukurovaUniversity : 550-556. Also In: Rukunudin I.H., Umi Kalsom A.B., Hamid M.N., Chan C.W., Othman M.I. and Ahmad M.Z. (eds). Proc. National Congress On AgrICT :Revolutionising Agriculture through ICT. Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute : 236-241.

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Papers : Oil Palm Breeding and Tissue Culture

Tan C.C., Soh A.C., Wong G., Hor T.Y., Chong S.P. and Gopal K. 2003. Experiences and lessons from oil palm clonal evaluation trials and commercial test plantings. Proc.International Palm Oil Congress on Palm Oil : The Power House for the Global Oils and Fats Economy. Malaysian Palm Oil Board : 129-144.

Tan C.C. 2008. Nursery practices for production of superior oil palm planting materials. Proc. Seminar on agronomic principles and practices of oil palm cultivation. Agricultural Crop Trust Preprint. Also published in Goh K.J., Chiu S.B. and Paramananthan S. (eds). 2011. Agronomic Principles and Practices of Oil Palm Cultivation. Agricultural Crop Trust:145-169.

Wong C.K., Choo C.N., Liew Y.R., Ng W.J., Kumar K. and Tan C.C. 2010. Benchmarking best performing semi-clonal seeds against tenera clones : avenue for superior clonal ortet identification. ISOPB Seminar held 29 May. Preprint.

Wong C.K., Ee C.C., Choo C.N., Wong W.C., Kumar K., Loong H.Y., Aida N.N., Ilham A.A., Nur Akilla M.R., Melody M.P. and Tan C.C. 2013. Challenges of Oil Palm Tissue Culture – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Proc. International Seminar on Oil Palm Breeding- Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.International Society of Plant Breeders and Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Preprint.

Wong G, Tan C.C. and Soh A.C. 1997. Large scale propagation of oil palm clones – experiences todate. 3rd International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding of Int. Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS).Jerusalem, Israel . Abstract pp 12. Also in Acta Horticulturae 447 : 649-658

Wong G., Tan C.C., Soh A.C. and Chong S.P. 1999. Clonal propagation of oil palm through tissue culture. Presented at ISP National Seminar on Innovations in Plantation Management held at Kuantan from 8 to 9 May. The Planter, Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur 75(878) : 221-230.

Wong G., Chong S.P., Tan C.C. and Soh A.C. 1999. Liquid suspension culture – a potential technique for mass production of oil palm clones. Proc. International Palm Oil Conference on Emerging Technologies and opportunities in the next millennium. Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, Bangi : 3-11

Wong W.C., Teo C.J., Sean M., Rajinder S., Wong C.K., Tan C.C., Goh K.J. and Soh A.C. 2013. Utilization of oil palm SSR markers for genotyping AAR’s planting materials. Journal of Oil Palm Research. (In preparation, full research paper)

Wong W.C., Teo C.J., Wong C.K., Sean M., Rajinder S. and Soh A.C. 2014. Development of an effective SSR-based fingerprinting system for commercial planting materials and breeding applications in oil palm. Jr. of Oil Palm Research. In Press.

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