Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Laura Lin Tze Chin (LLTC)
Personal Details
Job experience
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
Edited/Refereed Articles
Books, booklets and book chapters
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Cheah Li Wen (CLW)
Personal Details
University of Adelaide, Australia
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agricultural Science, 2012 |
Job experience
Assistant Research Officer I, Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn. Bhd. 2012 – Present |
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
Edited/Refereed Articles
Books, booklets and book chapters
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Tan Swee Sian (TSS)
Personal Details
The University of Queensland, Australia
B. Sc. in Biomedical Science, 2011 The University of Queensland, Australia |
Job experience
Graduate Research Assistant, Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn. Bhd. 2013 – Present |
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
Edited/Refereed Articles
Books, booklets and book chapters
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Dr. Teo Tze Min (TTM)
Personal Details
Queen Mary, University of London
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Genetics/Microbiology, 2004 University of Oxford |
Job experience
Laboratory Assistant, Ambiensis Ltd. 2004 – 2005
Assistant Research Officer II, Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn. Bhd. 2012 – Present
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
Edited/Refereed Articles
Books, booklets and book chapters
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Rizki Darusalam (RD)
Personal Details
Job experience
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
Edited/Refereed Articles
Books, booklets and book chapters
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Tan Suet Yee (TSY)
Personal Details
Job experience
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
Edited/Refereed Articles
Books, booklets and book chapters
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Ooi Ling Hoak (OLH)
Personal Details
University of Malaya
B. Agr. Sc. (1st class Hons), 1976 |
Job experience
Agricultural Officer, Department of Agriculture, Perak (1976) Plantation Assistant, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd. (1976 – 1977) Research Officer, Highlands Research Unit (1977 – 1986) Principal Research Officer and Section Head, Techno-Economic and Management Section, Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd. (1986 – 2003) Principal Research Officer and Section Head, Techno-Economic and Management Section, Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn. Bhd. (2004 – 2008) |
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
ISP Technical Education Scheme – examiner for cocoa in 1980s AAR Technical Review Committee since 1997 Editor, AA Research News from 1993-2000 Incorporated Society of Planters Malaysian Soil Science Society Taiko Plantations/AAR Crop Committee – Secretary from 1991-2004 Boustead Estates Agency/AAR Crop Committee – Secretary since 1994 Boustead Estates Agency/AAR Oil Palm Circular Final Draft Committee – Secretary since its formation in 1998 Boustead Estates Agency/AAR Mechanization Committee – Secretary since its formation in 1997 Boustead Estates Agency/AAR IT Committee – Secretary since its formation in 2001 Boustead Plantations Division Steering Committee – Member since its formation in 2001 Porim Farm Mechanization Advisory Committee 1996-2000 Porim National Seminar on Mechanization in Oil Palm Plantations Organizing Committee (1998) MPOB and Industry Mechanisation Action Committee since 2004 Convener of United Plantation Associations Malaysia (UPAM) Agricultural Sub-Committee on Coconut (1980s) Convener of Malaysian Cocoa Growers’ Council Agricultural Committee (1989-1995) |
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
– |
Ooi L.H. and Heriansyah 2005. Palm pulverization in sustainable oil palms replanting. Plant Production Science 8 (3) : 345-348.
Ooi, L.H. and Chew, P.S. 1985. The performance of some Malayan Dwarf x Tall coconut hybrids and local coconut varieties on marine clay soil in Peninsular Malaysia. Oleagineux, 40(7) : 373-383
Edited/Refereed Articles
Ooi, L.H. and Chew, P.S. 1985. Results of five progeny trials on hybrid cocoa in Peninsular Malaysia. The Planter. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur 61(707): 54-69
Ooi, L.H. 2004. Cost reduction in ffb production. Guest Editorial. The Planter. : 80(936) : 137-139.
Ooi, L.H. 2005. How much to pay for clonal oil palm? The Planter. : The Planter. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur : 81(954) : 547-566.
Chew, P.S., Kee, K.K. and Ooi, L.H. 1984. Management of coconuts and cocoa on acid sulphate soils. The Planter. 60(704): 483-498
Teoh, K.C., Chan, W.H. and Ooi, L.H. 1986. Effect of palm oil sludge cake on early growth of newly planted oil palm, rubber and cocoa in the field. The Planter. 62 : 368-382
Books, booklets and book chapters
Soh, A.C., Kee K.K., Goh K.J., Ang B.N. and Ooi L.H. 2003. Oil Palm. In : Janick, J. (ed). Encyclopedia of Fruits and Nuts. CABI International. In press.
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
Ooi L.H. and Chew, P.S. 1986. Present status and prospects for coconuts. In : Ti, T.C. and Yee, W. (eds). Proc. IDS Seminar on Revitalization of Industrial Crop Investments in Sabah. Institute for Development Studies (Sabah) : 95-112
Ooi, L.H., Ang, T.L. and Palaniappan, S. 1989. Progress in seedling cocoa improvement in Malaysia. Proc. MCGC-MCB Workshop on Cocoa Agricultural Research.. Malaysian Cocoa Growers’ Council, Kuala Lumpur : 46-64
Ooi, L.H. and Goh, K.J. 1990. A preliminary survey of the precision of some cocoa progeny and agronomy trials in Malaysia. In : Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu, N. and Mohd. Nasir, H.B. (eds). International Symposium on Application of Statistics to Perennial Tree Crops Research. Palm Oil Research Institute Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: 20-40.
Ooi, L.H. and Sim, B.S. 1997. Impact of two improved oil palm estate practices on labour requirements and production costs. Proc. International Planters Conference on Plantation Management for the 21st Century. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur : 371-383.
Ooi, L.H. and Tey, S.H. 1998. Applications of Global Positioning System and Geographical Information System in Oil Palm Estates. Proc. National Seminar on Mechanization in Oil Palm Plantations: “Towards Improving Productivity Through Mechanization”. Palm Oil Research Institute Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: 69-79. Reproduced in Royal Johore Planters Association Annual Report: 36-43.
Ooi L.H., Tey S.H. and Ng H.C. 2001. Innovations to management practices in oil palm estates. Proc. National Seminar on Strategic Directions for the Sustainability of the Oil Palm Industry. Incorporated Society of Planters. Kota Kinablau, Sabah : 1-9.
Ooi L.H. and Tey S.H. 2001. Tracking and weighing of fresh fruit bunches in oil palm estates. Proc. International Palm Oil Congress on Cutting-Edge Technologies for Sustained Competitiveness. Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Kuala Lumpur : 133-145
Ooi, L.H., Goh, T.M., Ang, B.N. and Tan, K.S. 2001. A new method of clearing oil palm for replanting. Proc. International Palm Oil Congress on Cutting-Edge Technologies for Sustained Competitiveness. Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Kuala Lumpur : 151-158
Ooi, L. H., Heng, Y. C. and Tey, S. H. 2003. Automation of yield recording and yield mapping in oil palm plantations. In : Chan, C.W., Teoh, C.C., Ten, S.T., Yong, H.L. and Ibni, H.R. (eds). Proc. Agricultural and Food Engineering Conference : Enhancing Skills and Practices of Agricultural and Food Engineers. Institution of Engineers, Malaysia. Putrajaya, Malaysia : 32-40. Reproduced in The Planter. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur 79 (931): 643-659.
Ooi, L.H., Kodiappan, P. and Gunarajan, M. 2004. Some pulverisation techniques of clearing old palms for replanting. Proc. National Seminar on Replant or Perish. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur: 47-63. (A modified version entitled: Improved zero burning techniques for replanting old palms, was also presented at the Department of Environment Seminar-cum-Workshop on The Guidelines for The Implementation of The Asean Policy on Zero Burning held in May 2004 in Kuala Rompin, Pahang).
Ooi, L.H., Tan, C.C., Gan, H.H. and Heng, Y.C. 2004. Yield variation and seasonality in oil palm. Proc. of Agronomy and Crop Management Workshops. MOSTA Best Practices Workshops. Malaysian Oil Scientists’ and Technologists’ Association: 301-316.
Ooi, L.H. and Kodiappan, P. 2005. Optimum replanting age of oil palms. Proc. International Palm Oil Congress on Technological Breakthroughs and Commercialization –The Way Forward. Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Kuala Lumpur : 305-329
Soh A.C., Tan H., Lee C.H., Rajanaidu N., Cheah S.C., Low F.C. and Ooi L.H. 1994. Genetic improvement of plantation crops in Malaysia. Proc. 1st National Congress on Genetics. Genetics Society of Malaysia : 55-69.
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Ooi L.H. 1988. Seasonal yield patterns and their effects of management of cocoa. Proc. Seminar/Field Day at Kalumpang Development Corporation, Tawau. Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd., Selangor : 88-113.
Ooi L.H. 1996. Some labour saving practices in oil palm plantations. Proc. Seminar/Field Day at Kalumpang Development Corporation, Tawau. Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd., Selangor : 22-32
Ooi L.H. 1996. Field day notes on integrated system of harvesting and ffb evacuation. Proc. Seminar/Field Day at Kalumpang Development Corporation, Tawau. Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd., Selangor : 91-98
Ooi L.H. 1996. Field day notes on application of fertilizers. Proc. Seminar/Field Day at Kalumpang Development Corporation, Tawau. Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd., Selangor : 99-107
Ooi L.H. 1996. Harvesting of tall palms. Proc. Seminar/Field Day at Kalumpang Development Corporation, Tawau. Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd., Selangor : 108
Ooi, L.H. 1994. Comparative performance of plantation companies listed on the KLSE. Taiko Plantations Managers’ Conference. Ipoh, Perak.
Ooi, L.H. 1996. Mechanization of some field practices in oil palm plantations. – an overview. Boustead Plantations Managers’ Seminar, Johore Bahru.
Ooi, L.H. 1997. Impacts of the current currency fluctuations on oil palm estates. Boustead Estates Agency Mechanization Workshop and Field Day, Sandakan, Sabah.
Ooi, L.H. 2000. Mechanical Application and Efficient Use of Fertilizer. Taiko Plantations Assistants’ Seminar. Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, Perak. Preprint.
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Ooi, L.H. and Chew, P.S. 1985. Some important agronomic and agricultural practices in cocoa estates. TDMB Plantation Management Seminar, Kuala Trengganu. Preprint.
Ooi, L.H. 1993. Challenges in cocoa cultivation in Malaysia. Symposium on Aftermath of CPB. Cocoa Pod Borer Vigilante Committee, Perak and North Selangor Planters Association, Lumut, Perak. Preprint.
Ooi, L.H. 1994. Primary production of cocoa. Malaysian Cocoa Board Workshop on The Seventh Malaysian Plans for Cocoa, Kundasang, Sabah. Preprint.
Chew, P.S. and Ooi, L.H. 1982. Challenges to the coconut industry in Malaysia. Proc. National Coconut Conference. MARDI, Kuala Lumpur, Preprint No.18.
Razman, A. R., Mohd Hashim, T., Ooi, L. H. and Tan, M. K. 1999. Fertilizer needs and requirements of the plantations industry in Malaysia. IFA International Fertilizer Conference, Kuala Lumpur. Preprint.
Chow, K. C. and Ooi, L. H. 2000. An Improved Field Practice and Mechanisation of FFB Evacuation and Manuring in Oil Palm Plantations. Seminar on Labour-Saving Approaches and Technologies Towards Oil Palm Cultivation in Sarawak. Incorporated Society of Planters Central Sarawak Branch, Sibu. Preprint.
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Ooi, L.H. and Heng, Y.C. 2005. Automation of weighing and recording of oil palm yield in the field. Book of Abstracts 5 ECPA-2ECPLF (5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture), Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Uppsala, Sweden: 226-232.
Tan K.S. and Ooi, L. H. 2002. Impact of the mini-tractor grabber (for in-field ffb evacuation) on soil physical properties. Proc. Soil Science Conference : Applications of modern tools in agriculture. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuala Lumpur : 97-100
Newsletters, others
Ooi, L.H. and Han K.J. 1980. Control of Apogonia spp. in cocoa through ground application of insecticides. Perak Planters Association Journal.
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Joyce Chong Siew Peng
Personal Details
Higher School Certificate, 1973 |
Job experience
Research Assistant, University Sains Malaysia (1974 – 1982)
Lab. Supervisor, Highlands Research Unit (1983 – 1986)
Lab. Supervisor, Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd. (1986 – 1996)
Tissue Culture Lab. Manager, Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd. (1997 – 2005)
Administrator, Applied Agricultural Resources Sdn. Bhd. (2005 – 2006)
Tissue Culturist, Applied Agricultural Resources Sdn. Bhd. (2006 – 2007)
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
Edited/Refereed Articles
Books, booklets and book chapters
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Chan Weng Hoong (CWH)
Personal Details
University of Malaya (UM)
B. Agric. Sc. (Hons.), 1973 |
Job experience
Assistant Research Officer, Highland Research Unit (1973 – 1978)
Research Officer, Highland Research Unit (1978 – 1984)
Senior Research Officer, Highland Research Unit (1985 – 1986)
Senior Research Officer, Applied Agricultural Research S/B (1986 – 1998)
Principal Research Officer, Head of Agromanagement, Section Head, OP and Rubber Advisory., Applied Agricultural Resources S/B 1998 – 2009 (Mar)
Part-time Consultant (Rubber), Applied Agricultural Resources S/B 2009 (April) – Present
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
Have written 30 papers on rubber.
Edited/Refereed Articles
Books, booklets and book chapters
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Personal Details/Awards/Publications: Dr. Soh Aik Chin FASc (SAC)
Personal Details
University of Malaya (UM)
B. Agri. Sc. (Hons.), 1971University of Malaya (UM) M. Agric. Sc, 1976Oregon State University Ph.D, 1979 |
Job experience
Cocoa agronomist, Felda Research (1971 – 1973) Tutor, University of Malaya (1973 – 1974) Lecturer, University of Malaya (1975 – 1976) Teaching Assistant, Oregon State University (1977 – 1979) Plant Breeder, Highlands Research Unit 1979 – 1986 (June) Plant Breeder, Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd. 1986 (June) – 2007 (February) Department Head of Agricultural Research, Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd. 1998 – 2000 (March) Head of Agricultural Research, Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd. 2000 (March) – 2007 (February) Tissue Culture Consultant, Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd. 2007- Present |
Specialty of work
Professional activities and societies
Fellow of Academy of Sciences Malaysia (2004) MPOB Programme Advisory Committee (Biology) Member (2002) Panel Reviewer for MPOB’s Breeding & Biotechnology Programmes (2001) Assoc. Editor, SABRAO (Society for Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania) Journal (1985-1990) Editor, International Society of Oil Palm Breeders (ISOPB) (1985 – 1989) Reviewer for international journals: Euphytica, Plant Breeding, SABRAO Journal, Journal of Oil Palm Research Member of Malaysian Society of Applied Biology (Since 1975) Member of Incorporated Society of Planters (Since 1979) MOPGC-ARC Subcommittee on Tissue Culture – Chairman (1992 – 1990) PORIM Oil Palm Breeders – Tissue Culturists Committee – Member (Since 1985) Reviewer for Journal of Oil Palm Research/Elaeis, Euphytica Malaysian Palm Oil Association – Agric. Research. Working Committee Member (Since 2000) Sigma Xi – Scientific Society of America – member (1978 – 1984) Crop Science Society of America – member (Since 1977) Genetics Society of Malaysia – life member National Biotechnology Programme – contact person |
Current research projects
External research funding and collaborative work
Title: –
Fund: – Sponsor: – Collaborators: – |
Papers published
More than 70 articles and editor of 5 books.23 senior authored peer reviewed journal publications, 15 of which in international journals. |
- Varsity Senior Scholarship, University of Malaya (1968 – 1971)
- Malaysian Rubber Fund Board Scholarship, University of Malaya (1968 – 1971)
- International Student Scholarship, Oregon State University (1977 – 1979)
- 1st Runner-up – Graduate Student Presentation – W. Crop Sc. Soc. of America (1978)
- Malaysian Toray Science Foundation 2005 Science & Technology Award (2005)
- Fellow of Academy Science Malaysia (2006)
Soh, A.C., Yap, T.C. and K.M. Graham 1976. Heterosis and combining ability in a diallel cross of chilli (Capsicum annum L.). J. Agric. Sci. Camb. 87: 447-449.
Soh, A.C., Yap, T.C. and K.M. Graham 1976. The relationship between yield and its components in a diallel cross of chilli. Mal. Agric. Res. 5: 40-43.
Soh, A.C., Yap, T.C. and K.M. Graham, 1977. Inheritance of resistance to pepper veinal mottle virus in chilli. Phytopathology : 67(1) : 115-117.
Soh, A.C., Yap, T.C. and K.M. Graham, 1977. Diallel analysis in chilli for horticultural characteristics and resistance to pepper veinal mottle virus. SABRAO Journal 9(2) : 127-134.
Soh, A.C., Yap, T.C. and K.M. Graham, 1977. Genetics and breeding of chilli in Malaysia. Malays. Appli. Biol. 6(2):163-169.
Soh, A.C. 1984. Book Review: Efficiency in Plant Breeding 1984. Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA). SABRAO Journal 17: 92-95.
Soh, A.C., R.V. Frakes, D.O. Chilcote and D.A. Sleper, 1984. Genetic variation in acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, hemicellulose, crude protein and their relationship with in vitro dry matter digestibility in tall fescue. Crop Science 24 : 721-727.
Soh, A.C. 1986. Expected yield increase with selected oil palm clones from current DxP seedling materials and its implications on clonal propagation, breeding and ortet selection. Oleagineux 41(2): 51-56. (Also presented at 5th SABRAO International Congress, Bangkok, Nov. 1985).
Soh, A.C. 1987. Current issues in oil palm breeding, Malay. Appl. Biol. 16: 101-108.
Soh, A.C., Lee, C.H., and Chin, C.W. 1989. Suitable plot sizes and replications in oil palm breeding experiments. SABRAO J. 21(2):143-150.
Soh, A.C. 1990. Oil Palm Breeding – breeding into the 21st century. Plant Breeding Abstr. 60(12) : 1437 – 1444
Soh, A.C. and Chow, C.S. 1993. Index selection, utilising plot and family information in oil palm. Elaeis 5(1) : 27-37.
Soh, A.C., Chow, C.S., S. Iyama and Y. Yamada 1994. Candidate traits for index selection in choice of oil palm ortets for clonal propagation. Euphytica 76: 23-32.
Soh, A.C. 1994. Ranking parents by best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) breeding values in oil palm. Euphytica 76:13-21
Soh A.C., Gan H.H., Wong G., Hor T.Y. and Tan C.C. 2003. Estimates of within family genetic variability for clonal selection in oil palm. Euphytica 133: 147-163.
Saleha Ibrahim, Soh, A.C. and Yap, T.C. 1976. Relative concentration of pepper veinal mottle virus in resistant and susceptible chilli plants. Mal. Agric. Res. 5: 57-60.
Mak, C., Zainol Abidin Omar and Soh, A.C. 1981 Comparative performance of lines derived from F4 and F5 generations of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) Malays. Appl. Biol. 10(1):23-28.
Wong, G.,Tan, C. C. and Soh, A.C. 1996. Large-scale propagation of oil palm clones – Experienexperiencesto date. Acta Hort 447: 649-658
Chan, K.S., Soh, A.C. and Chew, P.S. 1999. An accurate and precise method of determining oil to bunch in oil palm. Journal of Oil Palm Research. PORIM, K.L. Vol. 11(1):11-22.
Edited/Refereed Articles
Soh, A.C., T. Vanialingam, B. Taniputra and Kabul Pamin, 1981. Derivatives of the Dumpy palm – Some experimental results. Planter: 57: 227-239.
Soh, A.C. 1987. Abnormal oil palm clones. Possible causes and implication – further discussions. Planter 63: 59-65.
Soh, A.C, 1998. Review of ortet selection in oil palm. The Planter. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur : 217-226.
Soh A.C. 2002. Narrowing the yield gap in oil palm between potential and realisation. Guest Editorial: The Planter. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur 78 (919): 541-544.
Rao, V., Soh, A.C., R.H.V. Corley, Lee, C.H., N. Rajanaidu, Tan, Y.P., Chin, C.W., Lim, K.C., Tan, S.T., Lee, T.P. and NguI, M. 1983. A critical re-examination of the method of bunch quality analysis in oil palm breeding. PORIM Occasional Paper, No. 9. 28 pp.
Koh, C.L. and Soh, A.C. 1987. Designer genes anyone? Genetic engineering of crop plants in perspective. Parts 1, 2 & 3. Planter 63:183-195.
Chew, P.S., Soh, A.C. and Goh, K.J. 1997. Notes on Revitalising Plantation Agriculture in Malaysia. The Planter. Incorporated Society of Planters, K.L. 73(854): 247-253.
Periasamy, A., Gopal, K. and Soh, A.C. 2002. Productivity improvements in seed processing techniques for commercial oil palm seed production. The Planter. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur: 78(917): 429-442
Books, booklets and book chapters
Soh, A.C. 1983. Choice of Planting Materials. Casual Papers On Oil Palm. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur. 33 pp.
Soh, A.C., Wong, G., Hor, T.Y., Tan, C.C. and Chew, P.S. 2003. Oil palm genetic improvement. In: Janick, J. (ed.). Plant Breeding Reviews Vol. 22. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, pp. 165-219
Soh A.C., Kee, K.K., Goh, K.J., Ang, B.N., and Ooi, L.H. 2003. Oil palm. In: Janick,, J. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Fruits and Nuts. CABI International. (In press)
Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu N. and Mohd Nasir Hasan Basri (Ed.) 1986. Proceedings of International Workshop on Oil Palm Germplasm and Utilisation. ISOPB/PORIM, Bangi . 248 pp.
Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu N. and Mohd Nasir Hasan Basri (Ed.) 1986. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Breeding and Selection for Clonal Oil Palms ISOPB, Bangi. 129 pp.
Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu N. and Mohd Nasir Hasan Basri (Ed.) 1993. Proceedings of Workshop on Prospects of Interspecific Hybrids. ISOPB/PORIM Bangi.
Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu N. and Mohd Nasir Hasan Basri, Kabul Pamin and C. Muluk (Ed.) 1990. Proceedings of Workshop on Progress of Oil Palm Breeding Populations. ISOPB/PORIM, Marihat, Medan, 1988. 154 pp.
Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu N. and Mohd Nasir Hasan Basri (Ed.) 1990. Proceedings of Symposium on Application of Statistics to Perennial Tree Crops Research ISOPB. PORIM, Kuala Lumpur, 1989. 165 pp.
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Published)
Teoh, K.C., P.S. Chew, C.S. Chow and A.C. Soh, 1982. A study of the seasonal fluctuations in leaf nutrient levels in oil palms in Peninsular Malaysia. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Oil Palm in the Eighties Vol II. (Ed. E. Pushparajah and Chew, P.S.) pp. 13-38.
Soh, A.C. and Tan, S.T. 1983. Estimation of genetic variance, heritability and combining ability in oil palm breeding. In Proceedings of the Fourth International SABRAO Congress on Crop Improvement Research (Ed:- Yap T.C., K.M. Graham and Jalani Sukaimi) pp. 379-388
Soh, A.C. 1986. Strategies in breeding and selection for oil palm clones. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Breeding and Selection for Clonal Oil Palms. (Ed. A.C. Soh, Rajanaidu, N. & Mohd Nasir H.B.) ISOPB/PORIM, Bangi. pp. 52-62.
Soh, A.C. 1986. Anticipated yield increase with selected oil palm clones from current DxP seedling materials and its implications on clonal propagation, breeding and ortet selection. In : Proc. 5th SABRAO International Congress on new frontiers in breeding researches. Banpot N. and Suranant S.A. (eds): 533-543.
Soh, A.C. and Chow, C.S. 1987. Indirect selection for oil yield in oil palm clones. In : Proc. 1987 International Oil Palm/Palm Oil Conferences. (Chew, P.S., Wood B.J. and E. Pushparajah eds). PORIM, Kuala Lumpur: 167-172
Soh, A.C. and Chow, C.S. 1989. Index selection in oil palm for cloning. In Proc. of the 6th International. Congress of SABRAO. Ed. S. Iyama, and G. Takeda, Tsukuba, Japan pp. 713-716.
Soh, A.C., Lee, C.H., Yong, Y.Y., Chin, C.W., Tan, Y.P., Rajanaidu N. and Phuah, P.K. 1990. The precision of oil palm breeding experiments in Malaysia. In A.C. Soh, N. Rajanaidu and Mohd Nasir Hasan Basri (Ed.) Proceedings of Symposium on Application of Statistics to Perennial Tree Crop Research. ISOPB/PORIM, Kuala Lumpur: 41-50
Chow, C.S. and Soh, A.C. 1990. Factor analysis of some agronomic and physiological traits in two oil palm breeding trials. In : Proc. of Symp. on Application of Statistics to Perennial Tree Crops Research. Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu N. and Mohd Nasir Hasan Basri (eds). ISOPB/PORIM, Kuala Lumpur: 86-96.
Ng, C.L., Paranjothy K., Mak, C, and Soh, A.C. 1993. Assaying endogeneous cytokinin levels in inflorescence of normal and mantled oil palm ramets. . In: Recent Developments in Oil Palm Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. (Rao, V., Henson, I.E., and Rajanaidu, N., eds.) International Society for Oil Palm Breeders., Bangi :98-115
Paranjothy K., Rohani Othman, Tan, C.C., Wong, G. and Soh, A.C. 1993. Incidence of abnormalities in relation to vitro protocols. In: Recent Developments in Oil Palm Tissue Culture and Biotechnology.(Rao, V., Henson, I.E., & Rajanaidu, N., eds.)International Society for Oil Palm Breeders., Bangi : 77-85
Soh, A.C., Tan, H., Ooi, L.H., Rajanaidu N., Cheah, S.C. and Low, F.C. 1994. Genetic improvement of plantation crops in Malaysia. In : Proc. 1st National Congress on Genetics. Genetics Society of Malaysia: 55-69.
Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu N. and Cheah, S.C. 1994. Oil Palm Breeding: The Previous and the next 50 years. In : Proc. International Planters Conference on managing oil palms for enhanced profitability. Incorporated Society of Planters, K.L: 35-52.
Soh, A.C., Tan, H., Ooi, L.H., Rajanaidu, N., Cheah, S.C. and Low, F.C. 1994. Genetic improvement of plantation crops in Malaysia. In Proc. 1st National Congress on Genetics. Genetics Society of Malaysia: 55-69.
Soh, A.C., Yong, Y.Y., Ho, Y.W. and Rajanaidu N. 1995. Commercial potential of oil clones. In: Recent Developments in Oil Palm Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. (Rao, V., Henson, I.E., and Rajanaidu, N., eds.) International Society for Oil Palm Breeders., Bangi :134-144.
Soh, A.C. 1995. Commercial potential of oil palm clones: early results of their performance in several locations. In Recent Developments in Oil Palm Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (Rao, V., Henson, I.E. and Rajanaidu N. eds). Internation Society of Oil Palm Breeders, Selangor : 134-144.
Rajanaidu, N., JalanI B.S., Soh, A.C., Tek, J., Musa B., Chin, C.W. and Yong, Y.Y. 1996. Performance of second generation of PORIM Nigerian material evaluated in Malaysia. In: 1996 PORIM. Int. Palm Oil Congress on Competitiveness for the 21st Century. PORIM Kuala Lumpur pp. 32-45.
Hor, T.Y., Soh, A.C., Chan, K.S., Chew, P.S. and Goh, K.J. 1996. Studies on oil palm bunch characteristics effects on oil extraction rates. In: Proc. International Conference on Oil and Kernel Production in Oil Palm – A Global Perspective. Rajanaidu N., Henson I.E. and Jalani B.S. (eds). ISOPB and PORIM: 229-255.
Soh, A.C. 1996. Review of ortet selection in oil palm. Presented at 1996 PORIM International Palm Oil Congress’s Workshop on “Oil Palm Clones: Where are We?”. The Planter, Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur: 74(865): 217-226.
Wong, G., Tan, C.C. and Soh, A.C. 1996. Large-scale propagation of oil palm clones – experiences todate. In: Abst. Of International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS) . 3rd International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding. Jerusalem, Israel, June 16-21, 1996. pp 12. Acta Horticultural 447: 649-658.
Chew, P.S., Soh, A.C., Goh, K.J and Kee, K.K. 1999. Role of private sector research in oil palm crop production. Proc. 1998 International Oil Palm Conference on Commodity of the past, today and the future: 133-144.
Wong, G., Tan, C.C., Soh, A.C. and Chong, S.P. 1999. Clonal propagation of oil palm through tissue culture. The Planter, Incorporated Soc. of Planters, Kuala Lumpur 75(878): 221-230. Also presented at ISP National Seminar on Innovations in Plantation Management , Kuantan, May 8-9, 1999.
Soh, A.C. 1999. Breeding plans and selection methods in oil palm. In: Proc. Symp. On The Science of Oil Palm Breeding (N. Rajanaidu and B.S. Jalani, eds.). PORIM, Kuala Lumpur : 65-95.
Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu, N., Hor, T.Y. and Gan, H.H. 1999. Combining abilities of selected parents of PORIM’s Nigerian oil palm prospection in introgressed progenies with AAR’s advanced breeding parents. In : Proc. Seminar on PS1 And PS2 Oil Palm Planting Materials. Rajanaidu, N. and Jalani, B.S. (eds). PORIM, Bangi : 30-53.
Wong, G., Chong, S.P., Tan, C.C. and Soh, A,C, 1999. Liquid suspension culture – a potential technique for mass production of oil palm clones. In: Proc. 1999 International Palm Oil Conference on Emerging Technologies and opportunities in the next millennium. PORIM, Bangi : 3-11.
Soh,A.C. 1999. Breeding plans and selection methods in oil palm. In: N. Rajanaidu and B.S. Jalani (eds.) Proc. Symposium on the science of oil palm breeding. Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; 65-95.
Soh, A.C. and Hor, T.Y. 2000. Combining ability correlations for bunch yield and its components in outcrossed populations of oil palm. In: Proc. International Symp. on Oil Palm Genetic Resources and Utilization. ( Rajanaidu, N. and Ariffin, D., eds.) Malaysian Palm Oil Board. Kuala Lumpur. pp M1-M14.
Soh, A.C., Rajanaidu, N., Hor, T.Y. and Gan, H.H. 2002. Combining abilities of selected parents of PORIM’s Nigerian oil palm prospection in introgressed progenies with AAR’s advanced breeding parents. In: Rajanaidu, N. and Jalani, B.S. (eds.). Proc. Seminar on PS1 and PS2 Oil Palm Planting Materials. Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, Bangi: 30-53.
Soh, A.C., Wong, G., Tan, C.C., Chew, P.S., Hor, T.Y., Chong, S.P. and Gopal, K. 2001. Recent advances towards commercial production of elite oil palm clones. Proc. International Palm Oil Congress on cutting-edge technologies for sustained competitiveness. Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Bangi :33-44.
Soh,A.C. 1999. Breeding plans and selection methods in oil palm. In: N. Rajanaidu and B.S. Jalani (eds.) Proc. Symposium on the science of oil palm breeding. Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; 65-95.
AAR Internal Seminars and Field Days (Published)
Conferences, seminars and workshops (Presented)
Soh, A.C. 1992. Potential for oil palm improvement through clones. Presented at PORIM Workshop on problems in oil palm clones.
Soh, A.C. 1992. Strategies in breeding and selection for oil palm clones. Presented at PORIM Workshop on Problems in Oil Palm Clones.
Soh, A.C. 1992. Developments in Oil Palm Planting Material. Presented at ISP (Lahad Datu) Oil Palm/ Cocoa Seminar.
Quah, Y.T., Reventhiran, N., Thomas, T. and Soh, A.C. 2002. AA+ Mulch system – A procedure for mulching immature oil palm. Presented at Plasticulture Congress held in USA in February 2002.
Soh, A.C. and Goh, K.J. 2002. Elevating the national oil palm productivity – breeding and agronomic R&D aspects. Presented at MPOB seminar on elevating the national oil palm productivity held 6+7/5/02.
Kee K.K.and Soh A.C. 2002. Management of oil palms on slopelands in Malaysia. Presented at 2002 International Oil Palm Conference on enhancing oil palm industry development through environmentally friendly technology. IOPRI, Bali, 8-12/7/02
Goh K.J., Gan H.H. and Soh A.C. 2002. Oil palm productivity: Commercial FFB yield analysis (Revised version). Seminar On Managing Oil Palms For Maximum Yield. Incorporated Society of Planters, North East Branch, Sabah. Preprint.
Kee K.K., Goh K.J. and Soh A.C. 2003. R&D efforts in efficient utilisation of natural resources in oil palm cultivation. International Planters Conference on globalisation and its impact on the palm oil industry. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur
Tan C.C., Soh A.C., Wong G., Hor T.Y., Chong S.P. and Gopal K. 2003. Experiences and lessons from oil palm clonal evaluation trials and commercial test plantings. International Palm Oil Congress on Palm Oil : The Power House for the Global Oils and Fats Economy. Malaysian Palm Oil Board.
Soh A.C., Wong G., Tan C.C., Hor T.Y. and Wong C.K. 2003. Revisited: cloning seedlings of reproduced best DxP cross strategy. Paper presented at ISOPB Seminar at Medan, Oct. 6 to 7, 2003.
Soh A.C. 2004. What you see is not necessarily what you get. Selecting the ideal plant. Paper presented at MPOB’s PAC Seminars. Bangi, April 2004.
Soh, A.C., Wong, G. and Tan, C.C. 1988. Oil palm micropropagation. Unexpected variation in field test. Paper present at Louis Vuitton – Moet Hennessy Conference, Versailles, France. (Also Agricell Report: Nov. 1988:34 )
Posters presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
Newsletters, others
Soh, A.C. 1975. Genetic studies on mosaic virus resistance and agronomic characters in chilli (Capsicum annum L.). M Agric. Sc. Thesis. Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 129 pp
Soh, A.C. 1988. Oil palm micropropagation. Unexpected variation in field tests. Agricell Report 11:34