Browsing articles in "Biotechnology"
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/PD01-09
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Preliminary investigation of genetic diversity in oil palm pathogens: fungal, bacteria and insect virus.
Objectives :
To develop molecular tools for early detection and identification of pathogenic microorganism that cause diseases in oil palm
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/OPGP01-09
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Oil Palm Genomic Project (OPGP)
Objectives :
1) To generate genetic-based molecular markers, fundamental knowledge and methods devoted for marker-assisted selection of oil palm
2) To integrate molecular breeding into AAR classical oil palm breeding programme, which enable the implementation of marker-assisted selection for improving oil palm complex traits
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/EPI01-09
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Identification of modified Lysine residues of Histones via methylation phenomena that involve in mantling somaclonal variation
Objectives :
To use proteomic approaches to tackle the problems of oil palm mantling and abnormalities due to somaclonal variation
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/ENV01-09
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Preliminary investigation of successive vegetation and microbial changes throughout the development of peatlands.
Objectives :
1) To develop PCR-based tools for investigation of successive vegetation and microbial changes throughout the development of peatlands
2) To investigate the microbial communities’ changes at different stages of peatlands development
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/DF05-08
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Development of a molecular tool box to verify the purity of hybrid tenera in the commercial population of oil palm seedlings
Objectives :
To identify oil palm shell thickness gene and develop a diagnostic kit to screen illegitimates due to poor quality control in dura x pisifera hybrid seed production
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/DF04-06
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Expression profiling of genes related to early embryogenesis.
Objectives :
To develop methodologies for early selection of embryogenesis potential palm/callus
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/DF03-06
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Detection of aberrant oil palms with mantled fruits
Objectives :
1) To develop biomarkers for the detection of abnormalities in tissue culture ramets
2) To establish an early clonal conformity testing procedure for quality control
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/DF02-06
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DNA fingerprinting of genetic contaminants
Objectives :
To establish a molecular method for DNA screening of genetic contaminants
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/DF01-06
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Genotyping of AAR’s planting materials
Objectives :
1) To conduct phylogenetic studies on AAR’s planting materials so that future planting materials can be authenticated
2) To analyse the genetic distance of AAR’s oil palm genetic pool that may assist selection of parent oil palms for breeding and hybrid seed production
Research and Development Projects: Biotechnology – BTL/DB02-06
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DNA sample banking
Objectives :
Long-term storage, archival and easy retrieval of DNA samples for DNA fingerprinting