Cocoa: Economics
The economics of cocoa-coconut intercropping vis-à-vis oil palm, rubber and coconut have been reported by Lim & Chai (1978) and Chai (1982). The authors reported that cocoa-coconut intercropping is the most profitable of the four crops evaluated.
There are very few published data on the economics of mococulture cocoa. FIDA (1977) reported that it is possible to obtain a positive cash flow in the 4th year after field planting.
In the light of the current pod borer and VSD problems in Sabah, the economics of planting cocoa in Sabah need to be reassessed critically.
Unless the two pest and disease problems are solved soon, it is prudent for companies having land in both Pen. Malaysia and Sabah to plant more cocoa in Pen. Malaysia rather than in Sabah.
Ooi L.H. and Chew P.S. 1985. Some important agronomic and agricultural practices in cocoa estates. TDMB Plantation Management Seminar, Kuala Trengganu
Note: The full list of references quoted in this article is available from the above paper.