Nursery: Summary of Recommendations
The selected area for a nursery should be on flat to gently undulating terrain, accessible with good road conditions and not prone to flooding.
The preparation of nursery area should be carried out through proper designing of nursery, clearing, fencing and lining.
The ordering of seeds should be scheduled appropriately over a period of time to ensure that adequate labour is available to handle each batch of seeds received and for field planting.
The selection of single or double stage nursery should be decided based on the area to be planted and the size of the nursery.
The nursery practices/maintenance including watering manuring, culling, pest and disease control and weeding should be closely supervised to ensure that all operations are on time and correctly implemented.
Herbicides and equipment for herbicides spraying should be clearly marked and stored separately from pesticides and foliar fertiliser to prevent contamination or incorrect chemical selection. Mistakes in this operation are usually costly and difficult to undo hence should be avoided at all costs.