Papers : Soils
Arif S., Kee K.K. and Goh K.J. 2001. Oil palm cultivation on peat soils – A review. One Day Seminar On Various Aspects of Large Scale Oil Palm Cultivation on Peat Soil. 23 October 1999. The Incorporated Society of Planters, Central Sarawak Branch: Preprint
Arif S., Goh K.J. and Teo C.B. 2003. : Temporal soil moisture contents on hilly slope under oil palm as influenced by soil conservation practices. Proc. Malaysian Society of Soil Science Conference : Towards MaximumLand Use and Productivity. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuala Lumpur : 133-141.
Arif S., Zauyah S., Anuar A.R. and Fauziah C.I. 2006. Cluster analysis of physical and chemical properties of some soils developed on sedimentary and volcanic rocks in Tawau-Semporna, Sabah. In: Fauziah, I., Shamshuddin, J., Zin, Z.Z., Zauyah, S.D., Goh, K.J., Jalloh, M.B., Osumanu, H.A. and Rosazlin, A. (eds). Proc. Soils Conference on Strategies for Enhanced Soil and Crop Quality. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuala Lumpur : 173-181
Arif S., Goh K.J. and Gan H.H. 2007. Correction of copper deficiency of oil palm on deep fibrous peat in Riau, Indonesia. In : Hamdan J., Goh K.J., Che Fauziah I., Melling L., Ahmad O.H., Jalloh M.B., Sayok A. and Siva K.B. (eds). Proc. Soils Conference on peat and other soil factors in crop production. Malaysian Society of Soil Science and Department of Agriculture Sarawak, Sibu, Malaysia : 160-170.
Arif S., Shahrakbah Y. and Kee K.K. 2007. Impact of leguminous covers and palm chips on soil nutrient losses in oil palm replants. Proc. International Conf. on Oil Palm and Environment (ICOPE), Bali, Indonesia : RD1 Preprint.
Arif S, Goh K. J. and Gan H.H. 2008. Copper deficiency of oil palm on deep tropical peat and sandy soils in Indonesia and its correction. Proc. 5th International Crop Science Congress,Jeju, Korea. Poster
Chan K.S. and Chew P.S. 1984. Volatilisation losses of urea on various soils under oil palms. Proc. Seminar on Fertilisers in Malaysian Agriculture. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuala Lumpur : 91-103
Chan K.S. 1986. The simple open soil method of measuring urea volatilisation losses. Plant and Soil 92 : 73-79
Chan K.S. 1993. Comparison of soil available phosphorus determination using manual shaking and orbital shaker. Proc. Seminar on Progress in Soil, Plant and Fertilizer Analysis, Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Sabah : 23-31
Chan K.S. 1995. Dissolution of limestones in soil. Seminar on advances in Soil, Plant and Fertilizer Analysis, Kuching, Sarawak
Chan, K.S. and Goh, K.J. 1997. Characterisation of phosphate rock reactivity and implication on management practices in Malaysia. In: Aziz B. and Hawa J. (eds). Proc. Soil Science Conference of Malaysia 1994 on Managing Soil Resources Efficiently. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Malaysia: 89-97.
Cheah L.W., Gan H.H. and Goh K.J. 2013. Production, stock and management of carbon in oil palm plantations on mineral soils. PIPOC
Cheong S.P. and Goh K.J. 1988. Soil Management requirements of oil palm and cocoa in Tawau, Lahad Datu and Sandakan areas. In: Teoh K.C. and Ooi L.H. (eds). Proc. Seminar/Field Day at Kalumpang Development Corporation, Tawau. Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd., Selangor : 27-47.
Cristancho J., Hanafi M., Syed Omar S.R, Rafii Y., Goh K.J. and Moradidalini A. 2010. Managing soil acidity for sustainable and balanced nutrition of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq.). Proc. Int. Conf. on Balanced Nutrient Management for Tropical Agriculture, Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia and IMPHOS, 12-16th April 2010, Swiss Garden Resort & Spa, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia: 45-48.
Eusof Z., Fauziah C.I., Zakaria Z.Z., Goh K.J., Malik, Z. and Abdullah R. (eds). 2003. Proc. Soils towards maximum land use and productivity. Malaysian Society of Soils Science, Kuala Lumpur.
Fauziah I., Shamshuddin J., Zin Z.Z., Zauyah S.D., Goh K.J., Jalloh M.B., Ahmad O.H. and Rosazlin A. 2006. Proc. of Soils Conf. on Strategies for Enhanced Soil and Crop Quality, Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuala Lumpur: 255 pp.
Goh K.J. 1984. Current research in the soil fertility and management section, 1980-83. A compilation. Soil Science Department, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia : 37p
Goh K.J. and Jamal T. 1984. Soil loss and erosivity index of Padang Besar soil series (Petroferric Tropudult). I : Possible application of Cate-Nelson methods, Anderson-Nelson method and simplified ANOVM for the determination of critical value. Pertanika 7(2) : 5-12.
Goh, K.J. 1988. Rehabilitation and improvement of poor cocoa fields in Sabah. In: Teoh K.C. and Ooi L.H. (eds). Proc. AAR Seminar and Field Day at KDC, Tawau. Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd., Selangor, Malaysia: 67-86.
Goh K.J.and Teoh K.C. 1988. A review of foliar fertilisation of some tropical crops and AAR evaluations of foliar fertilisers on cocoa and oil palm seedlings. Presented at ICI Agrochemical (M) Sdn. Bhd. on 24th November, 1988: 14pp.
Goh K.J., Kee K.K. and Chew P.S. 1993. Soil fertility of some common soils in Sabah, Malaysia. In: Aziz M. and Amir Husni M.S. (eds). Proc. Soil Science Soils Conference. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuala Lumpur : 1-16.
Goh K.J. and Chew P.S. 1994. The need for soil information to optimise oil palm yields. Annual Report. Selangor Planters’ Association1994 : 44-48.
Goh K.J. and Chew P.S. 1995. Managing soils for plantation tree crops. I. General soil management. In: Paramanathan S. (ed). Course on Soil Survey and Managing Tropical Soils. Malaysian Society of Soil Science and Param Agricultural Soil Survey (M) Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur : 228-245.
Goh, K.J. and Chew, P.S. 1995. Managing soils for plantation tree crops. II. Managing Problem Soils in Malaysia. In: Paramanathan S. (ed). Soil Survey and Management of Tropical Soils. Malaysian Society of Soil Science and Param Agricultural Soil Survey (M) Sdn. Bhd. : 246-256.
Goh, K.J., Chew, P.S. and Kee, K.K. 1996. Spatial soil fertility in mature oil palm agroecosystem and its implications on fertiliser management. In: Aminuddin B.H., Ismail A.B., Ahmad A.R. and Ghazali M.Z. (eds). Proc. Soil Science Conference of Malaysia 1995 in Langkawi, Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuala Lumpur : 80-90
Goh, K.J. 1996. ASSIST : An expert system to identify soil series in Peninsular Malaysia. Proc. MSSS Conf. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Kuching: 196-211.
Goh K.J. 1997. Interpretations of analytical data from soil survey reports for manuring recommendations: some pointers. Annual Journal/Report. Royal Johore Planters’ Association : 25-30. Also reproduced from paper presented at MSSS Soil Familiarisation Tour 1/97, Temerloh.
Goh K.J., Kee K.K. and Chew P.S. 1998. Soil fertility status of some common soils in Sabah, Malaysia. In: Aziz B. and Husni A. M.S. (eds). Proc. Annual Soil Science Conference, 1993. Malaysian Society of Soil Science, Penang : 1-16
Goh K.J., Arif S and Gan H.H. 2004. Estimated potential oil palm yields on major soil types in Kunak-Semporna region, Sabah on a commercial scale. In: Zakaria Z.Z., Balasundram S.K., Goh K.J.,Hanafi M.H., Izham A., Fauziah C.I. and Halimi M.S. (eds). Proc. Malaysian Society of Soil Science. Malaysian Soil Science Society, Kuala Lumpur. Poster.
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